IBR-DTN in Raspberry Pi not discoverable

I was able to install IBR-DTN v1.0.1 in a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B with Raspbian Jessie. In addition to the instruction followed, I added the line
deb http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/ wheezy main contrib non-free rpi
to the sources.list since libarchive12 is not available in the Jessie repository. I also installed in an Android phone and Windows desktop IBR-DTN (and Whisper, Sharebox and Talkie in Android).
I get timeout messages when executing dtnping and discovering peers. The following are the problems I encounter:
1. dtnping from Raspberry Pi (via SSH) to Android phone or the Windows PC - I get Timeout message from both. IBR-DTN daemon is running. 2. Windows PC to Android and Rasperry Pi - also Timeout message from both 3. In Android, Windows PC is in peer list but not Raspberry Pi (in logs, there is also the message connection to dtn://<WindowsPC id> failed)
Attached are the log files from Windows PC and Raspberry Pi and Android phone.
Is there anything I should change in the Raspberry Pi configuration? I appreciate any help. Thanks.
participants (1)
Dominic Solpico