Hello, I'm new in DTN use and after reading the advantages of IBR-DNT in OpenWrt, I became interested in developing some application for file transfer in my MsC Thesis in Electrical Engineering. However, after reading the wiki, I still don't understand very well the packages that I must install or how can budle encapsulation is made. Where can I find such information? Thank you very much. Leonel Soares

Hi. You can use the -h option for the commands(tools) you want to execute so you can see how to use them. If you want to know more about the Bundle Protocol, look up RFC 5050. You can also look at the source codes of the applications in the Github page.
On Fri, Dec 30, 2016 at 12:56 PM, Leonel Gaspar Soares < leonelgasparsoares@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, I'm new in DTN use and after reading the advantages of IBR-DNT in OpenWrt, I became interested in developing some application for file transfer in my MsC Thesis in Electrical Engineering. However, after reading the wiki, I still don't understand very well the packages that I must install or how can budle encapsulation is made. Where can I find such information? Thank you very much. Leonel Soares
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participants (2)
Dominic Solpico
Leonel Gaspar Soares