job description and help about which tool to use?

What I want to do is to pass multimedia (images and videos). For that, I'll use a machine (desktop), a fixed access point (with OpenWRT) installed in a certain place and a car with a laptop in receiving the information transmitted by the desktop.
stream stream Desktop ---------> Acess Point -----------> Laptop.
More specifically when the stream got the laptop I wanted to appear a picture and / or video on the laptop screen. But to believe that I have to develop something using the API of the IBR-dtn.
I believe that to do so have to use the tool dtnstream, so I've been posting constantly on the tool dtnstream. You can do this with another tool?
Thanks for the replies!

Both can be used. The difference is: dtnsend takes one "file" and sends it completely, while dtnstream is streaming (we have used it for webcam video streams or television stream). You can also pipe a big file into dtnstream. The difference to dtnsend/recv is that dtnstream will start sending and receiving parts of the data (i.e. the beginning of the video) and not wait for the whole thing to be transferred to the other side.
dtnstream is simple, as Johannes explained: It just takes stdin on the sender side and streams it to the receiver which will output it into stdout. So you can plug in the needed source and receiver tools on both sides. This should work, I am not totally clear what your problems are regarding this. If you need more advanced stuff then maybe you need to program our own tool using IBR-DTN C++ API. In this case I suggest looking into the dtnsend/receive or dtnstream source code and use that as a starting point for any modifications.
Am 16.03.2012 um 21:36 schrieb Felipe Pereira:
What I want to do is to pass multimedia (images and videos). For that, I'll use a machine (desktop), a fixed access point (with OpenWRT) installed in a certain place and a car with a laptop in receiving the information transmitted by the desktop.
stream stream
Desktop ---------> Acess Point -----------> Laptop.
More specifically when the stream got the laptop I wanted to appear a picture and / or video on the laptop screen. But to believe that I have to develop something using the API of the IBR-dtn.
I believe that to do so have to use the tool dtnstream, so I've been posting constantly on the tool dtnstream. You can do this with another tool?
Thanks for the replies!
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participants (2)
Felipe Pereira
Sebastian Schildt