Thank you for answering
I just tried that and the bundle is not sent to trough node B to C. I will sent the configurations files I'm using.
Thank you
Bruno Tavares ________________________________________ De: ibr-dtn-bounces@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de [ibr-dtn-bounces@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de] em nome de ibr-dtn-request@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de [ibr-dtn-request@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de] Enviado: sábado, 13 de Julho de 2013 9:16 Para: ibr-dtn@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Assunto: Ibr-dtn Digest, Vol 36, Issue 6
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Android implementation doubts (Johannes Morgenroth) 2. static routing (Bruno Tavares) 3. Re: Android implementation doubts (Guilherme Rolim) 4. Bundle expiration (Dimitrios Giotas) 5. Re: Bundle expiration (Sebastian Schildt) 6. Re: static routing (Stephan Rottmann) 7. Re: Bundle expiration (Sebastian Schildt)
Message: 1 Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 16:38:00 +0200 From: Johannes Morgenroth morgenroth@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Subject: Re: [ibr-dtn] Android implementation doubts To: ibr-dtn@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Message-ID: 51E014C8.3070801@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"
Hello Guilherme,
with the call to getNeighbors() you already were you want to be. The last missing step is to get the "endpoint" of the Nodes you got as list. The endpoint is a SingletonEndpoint object and contains the address you are looking for.
Kind regards, Johannes Morgenroth
Am 12.07.2013 01:39, schrieb Guilherme Rolim:
I'm coding a application for android based on the DTN Ping example, however, I don't quite understand the use of some classes. For instance, I am trying to get the neighbour list from the DTN app and send a bundle to each neighbour but I don't know how to get their addresses (something like dtn://example). I've managed to get the neighbour list using the getDtnService() getNeighbors() methods from the client, but there was no method to get their addresses.
Could someone explain me the best way to do it? Also, is there any document that may help me understand the dtn api classes?
Thanks in advance, Guilherme rolim
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Hi Bruno,
are the node names correct? Maybe it is a bit more safe to set them in the config files.
For node B, you did not set any route (it's commented out). With routing = none, dtnd will not send any bundles to any node.
The line route1= dtn://drivein254 dtn://drivein254 would only enable forwarding of bundles with the exact destination 'dtn://drivein254'. If there is anything more (like dtn://drivein254/echo), it would not work. So the '*' is needed.
Node C does not have any routes, so it will not send any bundles (assuming your deamon hat this functionality)
But still, which version of dtnd are you using? You'll need a version which is not older than a few months, I think... If i see it right, this was added at the beginning of May this year.
Regards, Stephan
On Sat, 2013-07-13 at 15:35 +0000, Bruno Tavares wrote:
Thank you for answering
I just tried that and the bundle is not sent to trough node B to C. I will sent the configurations files I'm using.
Thank you
Bruno Tavares
participants (2)
Bruno Tavares
Stephan Rottmann