On Di, 2014-03-25 at 16:14 +0000, Ghada Jaber wrote:
I've seen that and i did what they said but it doesn't work :(
Then, please see the other question from the FAQ and provide more information on your setup, like operating system, run for example `ps aux | grep dtn | grep -v grep` to make sure there is _REALLY_ no other instance running.
Ghada Jaber Etudiante en 5eme année Réseau informatique et Telecommunication a l'INSAT Stagiaire a l'IRIT/ENSEEIHT Tel : 003385681703 email : jaberghada@yahoo.fr Skype : ghada.jaber90
Le Mardi 25 mars 2014 16h59, Stephan Rottmann rottmann@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de a écrit :
please see the FAQ: http://trac.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/project-cm-2012-ibrdtn/wiki/FAQ
Regards, Stephan
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Stephan Rottmann