Technische = Universit�t Braunschweig Institute= f�r Informatik Einladung zum Bioinformatik-Kolloquium Zeit: Donnerstag 02.12.04, 15.30 Uhr Ort: M�hlenpfordtstr= . 23, = IZ H�rsaal M 161, 1. OG Vortragender: Ina Koch Technische Fachhochschule Berlin Thema: Petri = Net Based Model Validation in Systems Biology Zusammenfassung: Because biochemical networks tend to be very large and dense, a crucial point = is their concise and unambiguous representation and the development of computational methods to model and analyse them in an efficient = manner. Before starting a quantitative analysis, a qualitative analysis can check the = model for consistency and correctness of its biological interpretation. For = this step we propose methods which are based on Petri nets. Petri net theory was developed for modelling, analysing, animating, and simulating systems with causal concurrent processes. The theory provides a definite description of complex networks and methods for analysing and = simulating them. We have applied these methods to validate metabolic networks as = well as signal transduction pathways. The talk gives the basic ideas behind = this application. Die Dozenten der = Informatik<= /b>