Technische Universit�t Braunschweig

Institute f�r Informatik


Einladung zum





25.06.02,15.30 Uhr


Informatikzentrum, M�hlenpfordtstra�e 23, H�rsaal M 160, 1.OG




Dr. Neil Ghani, University of Leicester,

Dept of Maths and Computer Science




Categorical Rewriting




Term rewriting systems (TRSs) are widely used throughout computer science as they provide an abstract model of computation while retaining a relatively simple and concrete syntax. I have been involved in an effort to develop a categorical semantics for term rewriting at an intermediate level of abstraction between the syntax and the more traditional relational model. I will give an overview of the successes and failures of this research program and conclude by describing some promising recent advances we have made.


Die Dozenten der Informatik