Die Dozenten der Informatik-Institute der Technischen Universität Braunschweig laden im Rahmen des Informatik-Kolloquiums zu folgendem Vortrag ein.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tim Güneysu, Institut für IT-Sicherheit, Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Generic Countermeasures against Side-Channel Attacks for Cryptographic Hardware
Beginn: 10.02.2015, 16:00 Uhr Ort: TU Braunschweig, Informatikzentrum, Mühlenpfordtstraße 23, 1. OG, Hörsaal M 160 Webseite: http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/cal/kolloq/2015-02-10-gueneysu.html Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Kapitza
The core of a solid system security concept is built on robust cryptography rendering its cryptographic implementations in the system or devices as a primary target for attacks. In this context, a powerful physical attack is known as side-channel analysis (SCA). SCA is capable to extract the secret key from a system by exploiting data-dependent leakages from side-channel information such as power consumption or electromagnetic emanations - even if the cryptographic primitive is immune against cryptanalysis. As a remedy against this threat, all cryptographic instances need to implement countermeasures against SCA what involves a significant additional cost with respect to runtime and resources. Apparently, the availability of generic and lightweight solutions would be highly appreciated.
This talk discusses suitable design proposals for generic countermeasures that are specifically tailored for reconfigurable hardware devices – a commonly used platform in high-security systems.