Benny Bing, Georgia Tech, USA
Pervasive Broadband Wireless Access
Freitag, 5. Okt. 2007, um 16:00 Uhr Seminarraum @ IDA, Zimmer 1111, Hans-Sommer-Str. 66
ABSTRACT Broadband wireless access is the third wireless revolution, after cellphones (1990s) and Wi-Fi (2000s). It is viewed by many carriers and cable operators as a “disruptive” technology and rightly so. The broadcast nature of wireless transmission offers ubiquity and immediate access for both fixed and mobile users, clearly a vital element of next-generation quadruple play (i.e., voice, video, data, and mobility) services. Unlike wired access (copper, coax, fiber), a large portion of the deployment costs is incurred only when a subscriber signs up for service. An increasing number of municipal governments around the world are financing the deployment of multihop wireless networks with the overall aim of providing ubiquitous Internet access and enhanced public services. This talk will provide a comparative assessment of the key standards and technologies underpinning promising broadband wireless access solutions. Key standards include 802.16 (Wi-Max), long-range/multihop 802.11 (Wi-Fi), wireless DOCSIS, 3G/4G/LTE, mobile digital TV broadcast (DVB-H, MediaFLO), 802.20 (mobile broadband), 802.21 (media independent handoff and interoperability), and the emerging 802.22 (wireless regional area networks) standard. Key technologies include licensed and unlicensed spectrum consideration; reliable physical layer transmission using multiple antennas; wireless access topologies; wireless multimedia services; mobility; cognitive radio technologies; advanced wireless security; fixed-mobile convergence.
Biography Benny Bing is a research faculty member with the School of ECE at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has published 50 technical papers and 10 books. He is an editor for the IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine and has guest edited for the IEEE Communications Magazine (2 issues) and the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications. In October 2003, he was invited by the NSF to participate in a workshop on Residential Broadband. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.
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Prof. Admela Jukan jukan@ida.ing.tu-bs.de