Dear Mailinglist-Owners and Mailinglist-Subscribers,
the mail server at ibr.cs.tu-bs.de has been moved to a new machine, upgraded to a new MTA release and configuration and its former mailinglist manager Majordomo has been replaced by the Mailman software. The latter modification will cause a few changes that will affect you as well either as a mailinglist user or especially as a mailinglist admin (owner), although all subscriber lists and all major settings have been converted and are already used with the new software.
The general mailinglist manager address majordomo@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de is no longer active. Instead, all control messages have to be sent to addresses of the form xxx-request@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de. Please send a message containing the word `help' to the appropriate address of the list that you are subscribed to, if you want to learn about the commands supported by Mailman.
A new and very powerful feature is the Web interface of Mailman. It allows you to configure all of your subscription parameters, and it allows list admins to fine-tune a whole lot of parameters. If you are an admin of one or more of the lists served at ibr.cs.tu-bs.de, I beg you to take some time and check & edit your lists' setups via the administrative interface. Some of the configuration semantics might have changed slightly and need adjustment, e.g. in case of posting restrictions.
If you have further questions that cannot easily be answered by the online documentation or if you have lost your list administration password, please contact mailman-owner@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de. Subscriber passwords can be requested to be sent by email via the Web interface.
You will find the Mailman Web interface (along with further documentation) at
https://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/mailman, or http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/mailman
Have fun,
participants (1)
Frank Strauss