Aufgrund witterungsbedingter Anreiseschwierigkeiten wird der heutige Vortrag von Herrn Steinmetz voraussichtlich erst eine Stunde später als geplant stattfinden können. Trotzdem wird um zahlreiche Teilnahme gebeten. Mit freundlichen Grüßen Lars Wolf
Zeit: Montag 13.01.03, ca. 18:30 (statt 17:30 Uhr)
Ort: Informatikzentrum Mühlenpfordtstr. 23 Hörsaal M 160, 1. OG
Vortragender: Prof. Dr. Ralf Steinmetz TU Darmstadt
Peer-to-Peer: Quality of Availability
Zusammenfassung: The rapid popularization of Internet-based P2P applications such as Napster, Gnutella, and KaZaA has inspired the research und development of technologies for P2P services and systems. While much of the attention has been focused on the issues of providing scalability, copyright solutions or routing mechanisms within P2P networks, the availability issue has so far seldom been mentioned.
The talk comprises a study of dynamic replication where our goal is choosing dynamically the number and location of replicas to satisfy the availability QoS requirement for all individual peers, while taking intermittent connectivity of peers explicitly into account. In particular, the main focus of our work is building a model and mechanisms to study the problem of how to satisfy different availability requirements for distributed and replicated multimedia services in wide-area P2P systems, and to evaluate the achieved "Quality of Availability in Peer-to-Peer Networking".
participants (2)
Lars Wolf