Hello everyone,
the new material has just been uploaded to our website. This includes the recordings of the last two lectures. The dates for the exercises have also been updated.
Regarding the duration of the exercise: Thank you for making us aware of that. It is actually a mistake on the website and the Stud.IP. *The exercise is scheduled to take up to 1.5 hours and not 45 minutes.* I already updated the duration on our website. It will propably take a bit longer for the appointment to be updated in Stud.IP. Therefore I advise you to check our website [0] instead of the Stud.IP. It lists all the exercise & lecture dates for the upcoming weeks and is updated more frequently.
Kind regards
[0] https://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/courses/ss24/mk/index.html
participants (1)
Torben Petersen