Hello Prof. Juergen Schoenwaelde,
             I saw the site http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/scli/ while searching for how to probe for a network printer a friend of mine owns an hp2600n. Although there is not the latest 0.31 version for ubuntu but do have 0.2.12-2.2 which is quite an old version although that is a different topic which I would be taking up with people concerned in my community.
              I saw the documentation part & it seems to have not been updated for quite some time. Can u please update that so potential users like me who want to make a strong case for updation to 0.31 can do. More importanly if u can cancel whatever has been done with some time stamps it would make things easier for us to know as well as any updates in the screenshots. I did see that 0.31 is/was in debian experimental for some-time atleast. Both the screenshots as well as the documentation as well as news is 2001 and 2002. Thank you for your time.
          Shirish Agarwal
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